
Challenges. What about if?

  I was thinking of doing this in hand writing or here and finally decided to do it here in order to practice my typing skills. Typing is a useful activity for many reasons apart from the fact that I use the computer daily. It's also a good method to work out on your patiente and in your attention. In spite of I was doing a course I still make a lot of mistakes, most of them related to wanting to be faster and not precise. So, here I am. About this new section I have some notes in one on the notebooks so it's not the first time I am talking about this issue. The idea is to write and to check on all the challenges I try for many and various reasons.  In this case, the reason is to help me on get them. I want to explain to you the reasons, the way and finally the results. 1st GETTING RID OF CHEMICALS IN MY DAILY CARING. WHY. I been suffering from running nose for many many weeks. I think it could be because of the allergy (spring one) and also because of the pool, but I also want

Happy but not in charge.

 Not in charge. Many plans, many dreams, many challenges but time flies and you have not done anything. Let's see.. -You started to learn how to type faster and better and you gave up. You have improved a little bit but you still make a lot of mistakes while typing. Long way to get it. It would be just a matter of 10 minutes or so. but you do not find time. Where is the time? -Your english... you have a lot of resources and the most important one at the time of learning or mastering a new language that is time. You could read and you do not read. You could write and you forget to write in English, you could watch movies in English and you do but you should do it with a notebook and a pen to take notes and take the most of the experience. You could go to the library and you don't do it. -Meditation... you are doing well -Yoga... you are doing enough -Not wasting time with wallapop and vinted. You are a complete fool with this. This month you are not spending money (at least not

Que sí y que no funciona a la hora de salir de un bache.

 Esta entrada va a ser en español porque creo que el inglés se me puede quedar un poco corto a la hora de expresar todo lo que quiero contar. 1º Decir que he salido o al menos estoy mejor de una crisis que ha venido a durar unos casi tres años. No se si la palabra salir refleja claramente lo que ha sucedido porque entre otras cosas, no se si realmente he salido del todo, se sale del todo o no es en absoluto adecuada la palabra. Nos vamos a quedar con la idea de que tras tres años en los que he tenido altos y bajos, ahora estando posiblemente con más problemas a la espalda, es cuando estoy mejor y no tengo los síntomas que me son tan familiares y reconocibles. ¿Cuanto durará? ¿Habrá recaídas? ... no sé, lo que me parece significativo y da lugar a que pueda decir que estoy bien es que no estando bien del todo.... la rodilla, el problema del IES, la medicación, el tener que vigilar el colesterol, que Laura arrastra problemas, mi padre, etc etc, decía que no estando bien del todo o por lo

New blog, new experiment

Some days ago I was saying myself that I know I am happy because I try new things in my life. When I am not in the mood or with anxiety I am not able to do almost anything and I do not do plans. I do not try anything. But when I am happy I like to try news things specially related to my health. This is a list of the challenges, habits and more I am trying right now: -Every day I am taking a nasal bathing  Why? I read (I don´t know where) that it prevents having allergies. The true is that until now I have not feel anything special. It's more, possible is a coincidence, but I've been having a lot nots and problems. So I think it has not worked the way I thought. So I am going to stop for a while, wait and see. If something gets worse I will start again and will repeat it. -I am taking cold showers. I was taking cold showers for more that 3 years (more or less). Then I had my mental problems and I gave up. Not really I used them as a way of struggeling with anxiety and depression

The tribute

   This is not something to play to the gallery. It is something because I feel myself privileged for having the chance of enjoying the country on my bike. I would pay to do it (and I do not discard having to do it in the future in some places if we keep misstreating the world) But until then I reached to the conclusion that I should do something to give the country something in return and what is it better than to clean it a bit. Obviously is an endless fight. People in general is really ill-mannered no matter the age. Things have changed a bit since I started to ride on bike, but not too much. Even new generation is the same. So you can find a lot of shit. or trash while you ride on your bike. In some places is specially painful, because of the place, the beauty or the inaccessibility. So, the other day while on bike, I made a decision. Every time I leave on my bike I will back home with at least 5 pieces of garbage. Mainly plastic and beverage cans. I've thought about carriying